Melina Edvardsen også kjent som Superhero Girl Creations skal holde gratis cosplay workshop ved Hausmania Kulturhus, Lørdag den 26. Januar kl. 13.00. Workshopen holdes i flerbrukshallen ved Hausmania kulturhus.
Det blir servert litt snacks og drikke i løpet av workshopen.
Det er plass til max.10 deltagere og workshopen varer i opptil 4 timer. Påmelding skjer via google forms. Bare trykk på get tickets knappen nedenunder!
Håper vi sees!
I denne workshopen kommer du til å lære deg hvordan du på trygt og sikkert vis kan lage en kul bracer - altså en håndleddsbeskytter av termoplastikk og foam. Workshopen er gratis og alt av utstyr blir supplert av MERK Norge AS og Hausmania Kulturhus.
Det kan være lurt å ta med egen saks og blyanter/tusjer, men vi skal stille med noe av dette også.
Trenger du veibeskrivelser eller hjelp til å komme inn kan du ta kontakt med Anita fra MERK Norge på tlf: 917 36 270.
Forsidebilde av John Arne Johansen.
First round of crucialness for 2019!!
CRUCIAL SUNDAYS - live reggae jam & sound session
Ustelt Band, MC Jah Tea and Roastfish & Cornbread Sound host a monthly Sunday reggae jam at Hausmania. If you’re musical, we encourage you to come along and join in!
Food available, as well as drinks & sweet vibes!
Doors open at 1800
Band starts at 1900 and plays 3 sets.
Sound System plays before, in between and after the band.
All you have to do is show up
Player of instruments - If you have questions contact Ustelt’s Ludvik Rot. Singers & MC’s speak to Jah Tea.
Producers & recording artists: Want to hear your music played on a proper sound system? Contact Nicolai Gulowsen of R&C.
Also - singers & players of instruments, feel free contact the selector if you feel any of the riddims playing!
Entry is free, although we suggest you make a donation to help us cover the costs of putting on these events.
The session is child friendly for the first few hours, but strictly 18s and over after 9pm.
MRD eller Kent Tonning som han heter er et av de mest spennende tilskuddene til den norske klubbscenen. Med en rekke knallharde releases i ryggsekken + et forrykende liveset på The Villa forrige måned, gleder vi oss stort til å høre han gjøre sin ting live på bomberommet.
JISH (IRL) (Mainmise, Ötomo)
Ikke hørt om Jish?? Jish er en av Dublin’s mest spennende platesnurrere. Jish har allerede rukket å spille i de fleste av Dublin’s kriker og kroker, og har delt lineup med artister som I Hate Models, Perc og Tommy Holohan. Med nylige releases på labels som Ötomo og Variance, i tillegg til en knallsterk EP linet opp for franske Mainmise, er han klar for å levere beinharde rytmer på Hausmania. Forvent det hardt, raskt og industrielt + en liten (stor) neve UK-flavour.
Justin Grindhaug er en kjenning i Oslo’s klubbscene både foran og bak miksepulten. Til daglig bosatt i London tar han med seg inpirasjon fra London’s klubbscene + et par stappede kvelder i sweatshopen på The Villa, og kommer garantert til å levere varene på Haus.
Snille priser i baren
Vipps i døra. Kontant og kort i baren.
22:00 - 04.00
CC: 150
Vi legger ut et parti med billetter til forhåndskjøp for de som vil sikre seg plass og spare litt penger.
Vipps kr 120,- + ditt fulle navn til 41334510 (Peter Mikael Landstad)
Hvis du kjøper for flere eller andre enn deg selv må du skrive navnet til den billetten(e) skal tilhøre på Vipps.
Viktig: Husk å skrive ditt fulle navn. billetten er personlig, og du må vise leg med samme navn som billetten.
Technokjeller avslutter med en mini festival på Hausmania Kulturhus. Hausmania forvandles til et pulserende elektronika boks. Heftig technoscene, banger sound system, bål tønner i bakgården og en hel del mind blowing visuales.
23.00 - Fangarm (live) (
00.00 - Krass (
02.00 - MRD (
We Are Worms
Showcase 20 - 23
20.00 - DragonGirl (
20.50 - Skrekken (
21.40 - Per Antonsen (
22.20- Sgurvin (
ID 20
nother round of crucialness!!
This one is the Peace & Porrige special…bonanza!
Live reggae music & sound system play
bring your vibes!
free entry / donations
Oslodubclub & Gamlebyen Lydforening presents:
CRUCIAL SUNDAYS - live reggae jam #5
Ustelt Band, Mc Jah Tea and Roastfish & Cornbread Sound host a sunday reggae jam once a month in Hausmania. Vibes sweet!
Live band - heavy sound system - JULEGRØT & drinks -
Player of instruments - just bring your instrument & come, or contact Ustelt’s Ludvik Rot. Singers & Mc’s contact JahTea Christopher.
Producers & recording artists: do you wanna get your music played out on a proper sound system? Contact Nicolai Gulowsen in R&C. Singers & players of instruments again, also feel free contact the selector if you feel the riddim at play!
Reggae people unite!
Entry: free/donations
CC: 18 and over, but kid friendly the first few hours.
SØRFORKOMFORT #11 presents:
Body-voice method of voice training (Introduction course)
Instructor: Kazehito Seki (an amplified voice artist, noise musician, voice trainer, etc, from Tokyo.)
240 minutes.
Maximum / Minimum number of trainees:
Maximum: 10 / Minimum: 1
I speak English or Japanese.
Recommended 500 NOK
Name your price in between 30 - 100 NOK
Sign up / More questions
*You are signed up when you got the confirmation reply from Kazehito.
🌑🌑🌑Body-voice method
is the simplest way for vocalisation. It lets you notice how your body can naturally vocalise. All you need is just to focus on each breath, each moment of the state of your body and mind, and then, just let it go.
Vocalisation is a general function of human as an animal. However it is a technically highly complicated and sophisticated function. Our body already/originally has and knows how to use such a great function. Most of us can normally talk to another person with precisely appropriate volume, direction, and tension. When you speak, the sound of your voice is unconsciously/automatically tuned up very accurate by your body.
🌑🌑🌑How does the workshop go?
🌑🌑1. Set your goal and the subject
What is your biggest concern about your voice? What is “the best voice” you would imagine and wish for?? And how does it feel like when you have it??? Set your final goal to achieve. Then it leads to the actual subject that you work on, through this workshop.
For example, if you have a problem with speaking in the daily life, like people don’t understand what you say, it must be a big anxiety. Then you probably don’t even like your voice. In this case, the best situation (the goal) would be that your voice reaches the target clearly, without big efforts, you have smooth conversation, no anxiety, then, in the end maybe you can even like your voice. The subject would be to say “hi” to other person (your groupwork partner) or some trial to talk to your partner.
For another example. Let’s say you want to scream brutally, but your voice gets worn out after 5 minutes, then maybe the scream doesn’t sound cool. It must be a big anxiety if you cannot perform as you wish, or possibly even not as good as you usually do actually. The goal would be that you can scream smoothly without any damage, sounding brutal. In this case, the subject would be to scream as you like.
🌑🌑2. Repetition of trials
*main part / groupwork
Trial of your subject
Feedbacks from 3 different perspectives (Your ear / Other people / The video)
Adjustment and retrial based on the feedbacks.
The trial is the best way to practice. Nothing happens unless you try. Many people are scared of failure but you can try anything at anytime during this workshop. Of course you would fail sometimes. But failure is an important process of evolution. You can analyse the failure to extract the essence that what and how you can change for the next trial. And this process is accelerated a lot by both, taking and giving decent, flat feedbacks not only from/to the trainer but also from/to other trainees who are also working on the voice from other point of view. There are a few points to give good feedbacks. Giving feedback to others requires/helps you to fully understand and sort about the subject. The repetition of trials with decent feedbacks is the fastest way to reach the goal.
🌑🌑Following exercises
*I will teach something new to those who already attended in the past.
There are some practical exercises help your steps towards your each goal as below for example:
🌑Body scanning (To subject your body)
🌑State scanning (Body, mind, etc) connected with your voice
🌑Stretches for breathing muscles
🌑Stretches for body connection
🌑Actions with necessity
🌑Specification of the target (Voice with necessity)
etc etc…
I do teach, but my way is just one of the theories in the world I reached. There is nothing like the only “the true answer” which can be applied universally to anybody at any occasion. My way is set for, and built from myself. It can help you but still it is one of the samples you can refer to. It is you who find your answers that your body knows. Body-voice method helps you in several different ways to reach the method of your own.
🌑🌑🌑Kazehito Seki
is an amplified voice artist, noise musician, voice trainer, etc, from Tokyo.
Voiz set is played just with 1 or 2 microphone/s with NO electronic FX. Working on the sound produced from the vocal organ in broader and more concrete sense, relativises the existing interpretation of the “voice” (such as singing, talking, etc). The wide spectrum flickers in subtle ambience, intense silence and brutal harsh noise in a microsecond.
Self Toxication is another project that abstracts the “voice” forming into the sound deeper. The toxin over amplified in stereo channels feedbacking between soundsystem and the physicality (as the hardcore), cuts up himself messing up at the top speed of harsh noise.
Since 2006, Kazehito has been blasting his voice in numerous projects, bands with following keywords >>> cutups, drone, experimental, grind, noiserock, sadcore, sludge, “Voiz” choir, and collaborations with >>> butoh, installations, videofeedbacks, etc. Some of his past stages are listed as below: allEars (2018 / Oslo), Ende Tymes (2017 / NYC), MultiDOM (2016-17 / Over Europe), ART MEETING (2016, 14 / Fukushima), FRIV Festival (2016 / Poznań), MultiMadeira (2015 / Madeira), (LUFF2016, 15 / Lausanne), etc.
🌑🌑🌑How was it invented?
This unique method is invented by a voice master, William Tokuhisa. He has a thousand vocal techniques such as various types of throat singings (Tuvan, Mongolian, Sardinian, etc), the Voiz technique which enables human to produce harsh noise only with his/her voice (+ a microphone with PA), and etc.
The idea of Body-voice method is based not only on vocal techniques. It is derived also from broad studies about human perception, psychology, and body action, including an old philosophical Chinese martial arts called Hanshi Yiquan.
Kazehito met William in 2012. For 3 years, William has taught him the simplest and uniquest method.
Even Kazehito did use to scream himself hoarse from time to time. But after he mastered the method, his voice never fails him. Since then, Kazehito has been teaching and always updating the method with the latest feedbacks and discoveries. His career which started in the Tokyo underground sonic ghetto culture, and now which is in the worldwide frontline of the real underground (=non-commercial) scene, make his lesson highly practical and detailed.
The Body-voice method is not only for singers. It is for anything regarding the voice such as, to touch the audience efficiently, to make a good speech, to scream brutally, just to like your voice better, or of course to sing beautifully, etc… It gives you a chance to subject yourself through the voice. It did change Kazehito’s life.
I speak English or Japanese.
240 minutes.
Maximum / Minimum number of trainees
Maximum: 10 / Minimum: 1
Recommended 500 NOK
Name your price in between 30 - 100 NOK
🌑🌑🌑What do trainees need to prepare
🌑A video camera to shoot yourself vocalising (A smartphone is fine)
🌑Pen and paper for taking notes
🌑Comfortable outfits (sporty ones are best)
🌑Some drinks or snacks
🌑Your final goal about your voice, and a subject you practice repeatedly during the workshop.
*Feel free to take a rest / go to toilet whenever you need during the workshop.
Please help yourself to maintain your concentration.
Sign up / More questions
Art of Noise vs. Oslo Dub Club
cc 100,-
Fra 21.00 veksler vi mellom fyrrige og dype DUBvibber og brutale og gutterale støyutbrudd, fra hvert sitt lydsystem. Live!
Utover natta skjenker vi dere ultradansbare og eksentriske rytmetiltak.
Oslo Dub Club med sitt Roastfish & Cornbread sound system er fast inventar på Hausmania og står for regelmessige og svette nytelsesaffærer, mens støymusikkens inntog i bygget er og blir et faktum. Rense øra, kvesse kløra, betal i døra og omfavne røra.
I den ene siden av ringen:
Kazehito Seki (JP) - vokal/noise
NEKROM (NO) - funeral noise
.PK. (TR) - DJ (hardcore/speedcore)
…og i den andre siden:
Roastfish & Cornbread Sound System feat. Shit City Tekk!
(Spiro & Knark Kent)
Roastfish & Cornbread Sound System
Roastfish & Cornbread spiller dyp dub, hard steppers og oppløftende roots reggae. De driver oslodubclub og leverer byens tyngste bass fra hjemmespikka høyttalere.
Med seg ikveld har de med seg Knark Kent & Spiro, aka Shit City Tekk! Ikveld blir første gang du hører Knark & Spiro sammen på nesten 10 år! reunion! ! SCT spiller klassisk tung og mørk dubstep av ypperste sort.
Kazehito Seki - legendariske konserter med ekstrem stemmebruk. Født i Tokyo, bosatt i Berlin. Konstant på turné. Han holder også en workshop dagen etter klokka 14 2.desember for de som trenger mer!
NEKROM - et inferno av støy og glede. Morten Minothi Kristiansen og Kenneth Korstad Langås leverer et visuelt og kaotisk show.
PK. er tyrkiske Ipek Odabaşı og den drøyeste DJen som spiller hardcore/speedcore langt under beltestedet.
Get ready for 2018s biggest dubmeeting in Oslo…
DENG DENG HIFI - (malmö)
vocals by:
2 sounds in 1 arena.
20 min rotation!
Last hour - tune fi tune!
A sound system and record label from malmö, Sweden. Founded in 2005 by Junior Roots, Chris Michael and Dan I Locks to fill the empty space of a roots scene in southern Sweden. The sound system was built in 2007 and over the years lots of upgrades have been done - like last years rebuild of the brand new bass section. Deng Deng have also several vinyl releases on their own record label. Today Deng deng is one of the most active sound systems in Sweden. They have played at festivals like Öland roots, Skanka loss and venues all around Sweden, Denmark and Finland. This is the first time Deng Deng Hifi brings their custom built sound system to Norway!
Started as a dj collective in 2013 when boxbuilder Linus (Django dread) teamed up with Jonas and Marko who shared the love for roots music and sound system culture. First session with their own sound system was in 2014. In less than a year the fire of Bassrampa took place and both Oslo sounds were destroyed. The new sound took only 6 months to build and this time with some serious upgrades! Today Linus runs the record shop Simmer Down in Gothenburg and Liv has joined the crew. Roots Invasion play warm roots and stepping dubz with a conscious and uplifting message!
Roots reggae singer originally from Uppsala. Released his album “The Journey “ last year and has the 7“ “My brothers” out now, produced by Murray man.
MC / Singjay based in Oslo. Sings in norwegian and english about spiritual and everyday life with a message of unity and peace. Is one of the hosts at the monthly “Crucial reggae sunday jam” at Hausmania.
Singer / MC from the Gothenburg sound system scene. One of the founding members of Cultivators Sound and record label. He has played with different sounds all over Sweden and Europe. Always delivers vibes in a dance!
Reggae singer and soundman. Without a doubt one of the most productive singers from Sweden with new releases all the time. He has great collaborations with producers like Ashanti Selah, Indica dubz, Ackbo to only mention a few.
ID :18 // cc 160,- // 22 - 03
* Ital food from Roots & Culture will be available throughout the night! *
Vi fortsetter “Kamp”- serien med presentasjoner og samtaler om alternative kulturarenaer, kulturaktivisme og kunstens posisjon i en tid av populisme. Søndag 18.november kl.18 blir det filmvisning og samtale med kunstneren Karl Ingar Røys.
Hele filmprogrammet er cirka 50 min. Etter filmvisningen følger en samtale mellom Karl Ingar Røys, Are Syverstsen og publikum. Enkel servering.
Velkommen til Flerbrukshallen Hausmanns gate 34 !
Karl Ingar Røys er en kunstner basert i Oslo og Berlin. Hans praksis består i å skape forskjellige plattformer for spekulasjon, kunnskapsbygging og utveksling innenfor et spekter av foto, skulptur og bevegelige bilder. Karl Ingar Røys studerte Juss ved Universitetet i Tromsø, Critical Fine Art Practice ved St. Martins College of Art & Design i London og skriver nå på sin sin Master i Samanliknande Politikk ved Universitetet i Bergen der han undersøker kulturaktivismens rolle i samfunn under forandring. Røys har vist sine arbeider både nasjonalt og internasjonalt, hans siste prosjekter er stilt ut ved Latin American Center for Rural Development. Chiloe, Chile, IIPPE Berlin School of Economics and Law, Tyskland, Espacio Trapézio. Madrid, Spania, John Jones Prosjekt Space London UK, Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe Tyskland, og ved Nasjonalgalleriet i Tirana, Albania.
Mer info :
Are Syvertsen er dokumentarfilmskaper, “Smaken av hund” (2006). Han har en master i demokratibygging og er hovedlærer ved Den Norske Filmskolen på Lillehammer.
Prosjektet Kamp - utstilling og presentasjoner er et samarbeid mellom Hausmania og The Black Cube, gjennomført med støtte fra Kulturetaten Oslo Kommune, Kulturrådet prosjektstøtte, og Fritt Ord.
Om filmene :
Erna´s Video
(2005) 30 min.
Erna Solberg, den nåværende statsministeren fra det konservative partiet Høyre, bestemte seg i 2003 for å bruke media som et politisk verktøy for å forsøke å redusere tilstrømningen av asylsøkere fra Balkan til Norge. Disse TV-produksjonene ble produsert og kringkastet lokalt i Balkanlandene uten å informere seerne om at de ble finansiert og initiert av norske kilder. Dette ligger i sterk kontrast til de prinsipper som fremmes av norske utdanningsprosjekter på Balkan vedrørende rettferdig og objektiv journalistikk, som også har blitt initiert av de samme politikerne.
“Karl Ingar Røys analyserer i filmen “Erna’s Video” produksjonen av dokumentarfilmer som har som mål å informere befolkningen i mindre utviklede land i Europa og over hele verden om Norges strenge krav for innvandring. Filmkampanjen ble initiert og bestilt av Erna Solberg, tidligere partileder og kommunal- og regionalminister (2001-2005) i den norsk regjering. Noen uavhengige medier fra Balkan-regionen deltok også i produksjonen.» Nebojsa Milikic, Belgrade
(2018 )15.30 min
La Solfónica er et kor som vokste ut av protestene i Madrids Puerta del Sol 15. mai 2011. Koret opptrer i demonstrasjoner med et mål om å bringe klassisk musikk ut av institusjonene og aktualisere en samtidstematikk helt i ånden til komponister som Giuseppe Verdi som i operaen Nabucco (1841) kjempet for en frigjøringen av Nord-Italia fra Østerrike. Dirigenten i La Solfónica David Alegre sier at Nabuccos budskap fortsatt resonnerer i Spania, mer enn 170 år senere. ”På den tiden var det en politisk og militær okkupasjon, i dag er okkupasjonen økonomisk og ideologisk.” Rianxeira er en film om kollektiv resonans, dissonans som dissidens.
The Generation of the Peacocks
(2016 ) 5.17 min
Thangyat er et av de eldste eksemplene på burmesisk sangkultur. Den blir utført med en ledesanger som har et dansekor bak seg, som reagerer på en hovedsanger. Thangyat kan være morsomt og satirisk og kombinerer politikk, poesi, dans og musikk. Tradisjonelt feirer Thangyat-sangere den årlige burmesiske vannfestivalen med sanger, kvede, danser og skuespill.
Forestillingene ble forbudte i flere tiår fordi de ofte har en anti-autoritær vinkling, men ble offisielt tillatt i 2013. Likevel var Thangyat-grupper pålagt å innrapportere sine sanger til regionale myndigheter for godkjenning så sent som i 2015. Ifølge regjeringens regler kan ikke sanger inneholde “ensidig beskyldninger og kritikk som kan påvirke verdigheten til Republikken Myanmar og regjeringen” og må ikke “føre til oppløsning av nasjonal solidaritet”. Studentbevegelsen i Burma har vært en svært viktig politisk kraft i de mest sentrale hendelsene i landets brutale historie. Selv etter de nye politiske reformene har mange studenter som jobber politisk blitt forfulgt og arrestert.
Sangere: Han Htoo Khant Paing, Nan Lin, Paing Phyo Min, Tint Tint Su, Aung Lay, Soe Htet Oo, Paing Ye Thu, Min Thu Kyaw og Zay Yar Lwin
We continue the “Struggle” -series with presentations and conversations about alternative arenas for culture, cultural activism and the position of art in society in times of populism.
Sunday 18th November at 6 pm we invite you to a screening of films by Karl Ingar Røys. The whole program with three films is about 50 min long. After the screening there will be a conversation between Karl Ingar Røys and Are Syvertsen from The Norwegian Filmschool in Lillehammer, and the audience.
Light refreshments.
Karl Ingar Røys is an artist based in Berlin and Oslo. His practice consists of making video works in order to create new platforms for speculation, knowledge building and exchange. The emphasis is put on deconstruction and reconstruction of meaning in a predetermined or institutionalized context where he explore the relationship between politics, culture, economy and art. His educational background is in Law studies at the University of Tromsø and Critical Fine Art Practice from Central Saint Martins College of Art in London, UK- He is currently working on a Master in Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen, where he investigates the role of cultural activism in transforming societies. Røys has shown his works in Norway and internationally, his last projects were exhibited at among others, Latin American Center for Rural Development. Chiloe, Chile, IIPPE Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany, Espacio Trapézio. Madrid, Spain, John Jones Prosjekt Space London, UK, Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe, Germany, and at the National Gallery in Tirana, Albania.
Are Syvertsen is a documentary film maker, ex.”The taste of dog” (2006) and holds a master’s degree in democracy building. He is currently working as an associate Professor at The Norwegian Film School, Lillehammer.
The project KAMP (Struggle) exhibition, presentations and talks, is a collaboration between Hausmania and The Black Cube, made possible with support from Kulturetaten Oslo City, Arts Council Norway and Fritt Ord Foundation.
Erna´s Video (2005) 30 min.
Erna Solberg, the current Prime Minister from the Norwegian Conservative Party Høyre, decided to use media as a political tool in order to attempt to reduce the influx of asylum seekers coming from the Balkans to Norway. These TV-productions were produced and broadcast locally in Balkan countries without informing viewers that they were funded and initiated by Norwegian sources. This lies in stark contrast to the principles promoted by Norwegian educational projects in the Balkans regarding fair and objective journalism, which have also been initiated by the same politicians.
`In his video titled “Erna’s Video”, the Norwegian artist Karl Ingar Røys analyses the production of documentaries whose aim is to inform the population of the less developed countries in Europe and worldwide of Norwegian tough immigration requirements. The films were conceived and commissioned by Erna Solberg, the former Minister of Local Government and Regional Development in the Norwegian government. Some independent media from the Balkan region also took part in their production. Karl Ingar Røys’ work consists of showing the video and organizing discussions with the members of the film crews taking part in Erna’s project, as well as with the local audience.`- Nebojsa Milikic, Belgrade
Rianxeira (2018) 15.30 min.
La Solfónica is a choir based in Madrid, which grew out of the protests at Puerta del Sol on May 15, 2011, the day after which the “15-M” movement is named. Formed in the run-up to regional elections, its members, inspired by the Arab Spring, demanded change in a system dominated by the conservative People’s Party and the center-left Socialist Workers’ Party, which was in power at the time. Performing classical music at demonstrations, the choir follows the tradition of composers like Giuseppe Verdi, who in the opera Nabucco propagated the liberation of northern Italy from Austria. This opera was written in 1841 and became closely linked with the Italian unification movement. David Alegre, conductor of La Solfónica, says the same message still resonates today in Spain, more than 170 years later. At that time he says, “it was a political military occupation but today the occupations are economic and ideological. We apparently have a democracy in Spain but they repress democratic features that allow citizens to participate and really change things”. Rianxeira is a film about collective resonance and dissonance as dissidence.
The Generation of the Peacocks (2016) 5.17 min.
Thangyat is one of the oldest examples of Burmese song culture. It is performed with a lead singer who has a dancing chorus behind him, which responds to the main singer. Thangyat can be funny and satirical, combining politics, poetry, dance and music. Traditionally, troupes of Thangyat singers celebrate the yearly Burmese water-festival with songs, chants, dances and plays. The performances were banned for decades because they often have an anti-authoritarian slant but have been officially allowed since 2013. Still, Thangyat groups were required to send their chants to the regional government’s Information and Public Relation Department for approval also in 2015. According to government rules, chants cannot feature “one-sided accusations and criticisms that could affect the dignity of the Union of Republic of Myanmar and the government” and must not “lead to the disintegration of national solidarity”. The student movement in Burma has been a very important political force in the most pivotal events in its brutal history. Even after the new political reforms several university students who work politically have been intimidated and arrested.
With: Han Htoo Khant Paing, Nan Lin, Paing Phyo Min, Tint Tint Su, Aung Lay, Soe Htet Oo, Paing Ye Thu, Min Thu Kyaw & Zay Yar Lwin
Another round of crucialness!!
Live reggae music & sound system play
bring your vibes!
free entry / donations
Oslodubclub & Gamlebyen Lydforening presents:
CRUCIAL SUNDAYS - live reggae jam #4
Ustelt Band, Mc Jah Tea and Roastfish & Cornbread Sound host a sunday reggae jam once a month in Hausmania. Vibes sweet!
Live band - heavy sound system - food & drinks - dub yoga
Player of instruments - just bring your instrument & come, or contact Ustelt’s Ludvik Rot. Singers & Mc’s contact JahTea Christopher.
Producers & recording artists: do you wanna get your music played out on a proper sound system? Contact Nicolai Gulowsen in R&C. Singers & players of instruments again, also feel free contact the selector if you feel the riddim at play!
Reggae people unite!
Entry: free/donations
CC: 18 and over, but kid friendly the first few hours.